Wood Therapy
Is a technique that employs purposely shaped wood pieces to sculpt
the body in desired areas, allowing the therapist to move and drain
accumulated adipose tissue aka the main role in storing the brain of
the fat.
This technique is a superior alternative to
regular massage for individuals with
disproportionate, localized pockets of
stubborn fat and cellulite,
Wood therapy instruments intensify the
breakdown of fat and fibrous cellulite, so that
it can be eliminated naturally with other
toxins through the lymphatic system.
Major Benefits:
*Lymphatic drainage and elimination of
adipose tissue
*Gradual relocation of adipose tissue to
other areas to shape and sculpt the body
Breakdown cellulite nodes
*Tones and tightens skin
Reduces “Muffin Top”
*Eliminates “Saddlebags” on the Thighs
*Chiseling the waist area
*Defines arms and legs
*Firms thighs and buttocks